If you’ve never surfed before, this post is for you! Starting out on anything, whether it’s the piano, CrossFit or surfing, is difficult. It’s always harder to get started than to continue learning and perfecting your technique. The good news is there is a helping hand here to guide you on your way to getting started as a beginner surfer.
These tips are all aimed at ensuring you’ve got sufficient information and will get you as far as the beach. Let’s jump right in!
1. Prepare Yourself Mentally
No one says it’s going to be easy. In fact, surfing is probably one of the most difficult sports to sink your teeth into. The reason being the fact that the sport depends entirely on unpredictable conditions. Waves, weather and tide all plays a role in catching the perfect wave.
If you prepare yourself mentally and understand the learning curve ahead, you should be fine. Don’t give up at the first obstacle! A wipe out is unavoidable and you will experience it now and then, even as a seasoned pro.
2. Select the Perfect Board
When it comes to buying your very first board, we’d highly recommend getting a longboard that is wide and thick. A great board will make a difference in how you learn and perform. Boards that are thicker, longer and wider are perfect for beginners.
But before you hit the web and buy the first board you find online, it’s best to go to a local surf shop and ask some advice. Here you’ll be assisted by professionals who will be able to ensure you get the board that is best for you.
3. Finding the Perfect Spot
Now, this can be a bit tricky. As we’ve mentioned before, your field is everchanging due to the weather and tides. A spot that might seem perfect can be a bit unstable on the day you want to surf. Even though a lot of surfers will tell you that a beach break is perfect for beginners, this might not be the case.
If you haven’t enrolled in a surf camp or school, it’s best to check what the ocean is doing from a reputable website. Statistics and wave conditions change rapidly, and it’s best to keep an eye out on it. We’d recommend checking on surfline.com.
4. Get a Mentor
If you don’t enrol in a course, it’s best to get a friend or teacher to show you the basics beforehand. You don’t want to paddle out and get wiped out every time you give it a shot! And, if you don’t get the basics right, you may soon come to regret it. Bad habits are difficult to shake off.
If you can’t enrol in a course, ask a friend to show you the ropes. This will ensure you get all the basics right as you practice. And you don’t have to do that continually – only until you know the basic techniques.
5. Get Down with Etiquette
As with any sport out there, surf also has its own set of ethics and etiquette you should be aware of. As a beginner, these things might sound a bit foreign, but trust us when we say that familiarising yourself with these subtle rules will go a long way.
1. Show Respect
You should always respect the community you are visiting and be sure not to step on any toes if its not your home turf.
2. Avoid Drop-ins
This is as good as stealing someone’s wave. Check to see where the other surfer is closer to the peak of a wave, he/she has preference of catching the wave and vice versa.
3. Choose your spot Wisely
Do some research before just getting in the water. This is key to having a great surfing experience. Check the weather and tide as well as wave conditions.
These tips should get you started! We’d highly recommend joining a surf school or getting a friend to show you the ropes. We wish you the best of luck and remember to have some fun while you are at it!